Friday 18 September 2015

5 Understandings That Result From An Ayahuasca Ceremony

Ayahuasca is an Amazonian plant mixture known for its sacred medicinal properties and its psychoactive capabilities. The ancestral brew has been in use for thousands of years in shamanic ceremony, spiritual guidance, and self exploration. It is difficult to say what exactly an individual will encounter if they are take place in an ayahuasca ceremony, but testimonials from the many who have undergone the experience seem to have a notable amount of similarities in regard to what they've taken with them out of their journey and into their lives. Listed here are but a few of the common alterations to an individual's outlook that are associated with ayahuasca exploration.

We are living in the most distracted time in history. While humans now have the full capability to connect via internet, excessive exposure to this technology has been like a virus spreading through our mental computer. Without essential meditation and guidance, our mind can become overloaded with windows of negative thought and distraction. 

The right potion can set you in your best motion. Ayahuasca is commonly brewed from the chacruna shrub, which contains DMT, and the ayahuasca vine Banisteriopsis caapi that contains an MAO-inhibitor which allows DMT to be metabolized orally. The potion is said to elevate one to the higher energy, surrounded by the ever-long cosmic force blanketing us with eternal love and wiring a frequency of infinite intelligence and power. Experiences have been documented involving breakthroughs of sedentary and unstable direction of the psyche; opening and allowing the heart and mind a successful synchronization. 

Society has lost appreciation and respect for nature.
 The infinite possibilities to communicate and share information at an eye level has left us forgetting the ground below our feet. We are nature. There is certainly an eerie feeling when one continues in an existence that deals with fellow beings thrashing and ravaging mother earth of her receding resources. The practice of oil extraction is the same as spilling blood of any living creature. If we continue the destruction, we will end up in a black hole from continued eco catastrophes. 

We all make a contribution and it begins with positive intention. Speaking with others about creating more natural resources and less harmful productions is critical in this drama to heal our past negative actions. An appreciation for all that life consists of begins with choosing creation over destruction. Positive intention and awareness of our divine experience brings love and light, helping connect to the collective consciousness. Ayahuasca is found to be an excellent aid in removing toxic thinking and opening perspective to our omnipotent power and responsibility. 

It is never too late to discover who you are. Pain will always be apart of life, and this can often come from mental and physical suffering from not knowing and loving yourself. Everyone is going through this journey, we are one. Focus on making the most of your moment. 

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